/ a SCADPro collaboration with FOX Sports
FOX Sports
UX design | Graphic Design | UX Research | Motion Design | AR | Collaboration | 10 weeks | 2021
The collaboration between FOX Sports and SCADpro presented a unique opportunity in the midst of remote learning. The virtual learning experience brought together a versatile team of eleven students from three different countries, eight different degrees, and two SCAD locations. We were tasked with rethinking and redesigning the FOX Sports insert graphics system for Major League Baseball and College Men’s Basketball.
Michael Mikulec, Professor, Project Head
Aastha Agarwal, Project Manager
Niket Bisht, Project Manager
Mamta Vaghadia, Researcher
Lauren Sciortino, Graphic Designer
Valerie Bruce, Illustration
Jonny White, Graphic Designer
Adi Gloger, Illustration
Luis Jimenez, Creative Director
Mia Thompson, 3D Animation
Yash Patel, Audio & AR Design
Sejal Mittal, New Media & UX/UI Design

This is all I can share for now as this project is under NDA. Reach out for seeing our process in detail. Here's another quick video of our insert graphics applied.
Project under NDA.

1. Maintain the on-screen positioning of general graphics.
2. Reconsider color theory, font, hierarchy, and design details that are more sympathetic to the sports.
3. Keep the theory and technology for the asynchronous data system but reimagine how asynchronous data is inserted into the game.
4. Must pass the "across the bar" test. (Viewers must be able to know the status of the game from across a bar with no volume.)


Some mood boards, inspiration and explorations.
Design a unique visual language that separates FOX Sports from its competitors while being sympathetic to the brand attributes. Rethink the constant core systems used to provide the ability to insert asynchronous data that is not dependent on any camera framing. Create specialized solutions for commonly used graphic formats to provide a higher production value to the game.

Redesigning FOX Sports insert graphics for MLB and NCAA Basketball.
Before designing, it was important to understand the company, the sports, the fans, the players, the teams and the competitors in that industry. It was challenging to design insert graphics that don't overpower the game or distract the viewers from the flow of the game but grabs their attention in a "bar test" when other sports channels are playing parallel to our company's. We used various contextual research methods to first understand the customers, understand the brand, the sports etc followed by mood boards, ideation, design explorations and user testing.